Friday, February 10, 2012

ENGLISH - SPANISH! ~ no translation from sites! 10pts!?

Translation please ~ and tell me if you're 100% sure u haven no mistakes! if you're not sure it's alright :)


Cuales son sus principales cualidades?

My principle qualities is that i can work with anyone. I give 100% in everything i do. I'm not lazy and i enjoy working. I'm kind, very social and i do not stress in tight situations. And as a lifeguard I'm very serious about the safty of others.

Cuales son sus principales defectos?

I'm a very forgetful person. Sometimes i work to much and i think about others more then myself which tires me out. I'm not a morning person.

Es usted puntual/ responsable / servicial?

Yes i am very precise,responsible and helpful. I help everyone who is in need and I can do extra tasks around the pool. Those are some of my qualities aswell.ENGLISH - SPANISH! ~ no translation from sites! 10pts!?
Cuales son sus principales cualidades

-Mis cualidades principales son que puedo tratar con cualquiera. Siempre doy el cien por ciento en todo lo que hago. No soy flojo/a y disfruto trabajar. Soy amable, muy sociable y no me estreso en situaciones dificiles. Y como salvavidas, para mi es muy importante la seguridad de otros.

Cuales son sus principales defectos?

-Soy una persona muy olvidadiza. Algunas veces trabajo demasiado y pienso mas en otros que en mi mismo/a, lo cual me agota. No soy una persona madrugadora.

Es usted puntual/ responsable / servicial?

-Si, soy muy preciso/a, responsable y servicial. Ayudo a quien lo necesite y puedo acer tareas extra en la alberca. Esas tambien son algunas de mis cualidades.

I really don't think you understand what "puntual" is. But it means that you're on time. So you can change "preciso" to "puntual" if you prefer.

I hope this helps! And I am sure it is at least 99% correct :]
Is this for school or is this a job application? If it's the latter, I don't think you need to be applying for the position, if you can't write Spanish.ENGLISH - SPANISH! ~ no translation from sites! 10pts!?
Cuales son sus principales cualidades?

Mi principal cualidad, es que puedo trabajar con cualquier persona. Me entrego al 100 % en todo lo que hago. No soy perezoso(a) y disfruto trabajar. Soy amable, muy sociable, y no me estreso en situaciones dif铆ciles (or "tirantes"). Y como salvavidas, soy muy serio en lo que respecta a la seguridad de los dem谩s.

Cuales son sus principales defectos?

Soy una persona muy olvidadiza. A veces, trabajo demasiado y pienso en otros m谩s que en m铆 mismo, lo que me deja exhausto. No me siento muy a gusto en las ma帽anas (maybe%26gt; No soy madrugador, if you want to say, you don't like to wake up early in the morning)

Es usted puntual/ responsable / servicial?

S铆, soy muy preciso, responsable y servicial. Ayudo a todo aquel que lo necesite, y puedo hacer tareas extras alrededor de la piscina. Esas son algunas de mis cualidades, tambi茅n.ENGLISH - SPANISH! ~ no translation from sites! 10pts!?
Mis principales cualidades son: puedo trabajar con cualquier persona, siempre doy el 100% en lo que hago, no soy baga y me gusta trabajar, soy muy social y no me estreso en situaciones apretadas, y como guarda espaldas soy muy seria con la seguridad de las otras personas.

Soy una persona muy olvidadiza, a veces trabajo demasiado y pienso m谩s en los otros que en mi misma y eso me agota m谩s, y no soy una persona madrugadora.

Si, soy muy precisa, responsable y servicial, ayudo a todo quien necesite y puedo hacer rondas extras en la piscina, esas son tambi茅n algunas de mis cualidades.

I recomend you to take out the last sentence of the answer N2

Urgent help can any one tell me how to translate english to spanish translation?

i want off line translation tool with application program interface where i want to link it in my project.. please help me if any one knows..Urgent help can any one tell me how to translate english to spanish translation?

it can translate from different languagesUrgent help can any one tell me how to translate english to spanish translation?

VERY quick Spanish/English translation :)?

Does "Creo que si!" translate to, "I believe that's so!" ?

Thank you :)VERY quick Spanish/English translation :)?
"Creo que si" or "Eso creo", examples

1.驴Esta lloviendo? Creo que si/Eso creo=Is it raining? I think so

2.驴Crees que Carlos venga hoy? Eso creo.Creo que si=Do you think Carlos will come today? I think so.
Yes, "I think so".VERY quick Spanish/English translation :)?
Close. but not quite there.

Thats saying 'I think if...' or 'I think yes'

Your wanting to say 'I believe that's so' or 'i think so' which is Creo que tan.VERY quick Spanish/English translation :)?
  • lipstick
  • What's a good English to Spanish translation site?

    I have a spanish class assignment that I'm too lazy to do.What's a good English to Spanish translation site?
    If you want to translate whole sentences, you could use google language tools or, but thats not a great idea because if you do use translators like that, it usually is wrong. but if youre too lazy and dont mind handind in a bad assignment, by all means, go ahead.What's a good English to Spanish translation site?'s a good English to Spanish translation site?

    Spanish-English translation help needed by 3. Please help?

    Did I translate these sentences correct: I am a girl. So the translations need feminine endings. Thanks for your help ahead of time.

    1. I have a fun personality. Me personalidad es divertida

    2. My pastime is photography. Me pasatiempo es la fotogafia

    3. My family is small. Me familia es pequena.

    4. Me gusta mucho leer las tira comicas. I like to read the comics.

    Me cumpleanos es el ocho de augusto. My birthday is August 8th.Spanish-English translation help needed by 3. Please help?
    1.Tengo una personalidad divertida (As you're using I have...)

    2.Mi pasatiempo es la fotograf铆a

    3.Mi familia es peque帽a

    4.Me gusta leer las tiras c贸micas

    5.Mi cumplea帽os es el 8 de agosto
    1. Mi personalidad es divertida

    2. Mi pasatiempo es la fotograf铆a

    3. Mi familia es peque帽a

    4. Fine as is

    5. Mi cumplea帽os es el ocho de agosto.

    Mi = my

    Me = Me, myself

    Take note of accents (unless you didn't know how to type them on the computer or something. But just in case I put them there anyways)

    and a few minor spelling errors, they are probably just typos.

    Other than that, est谩 bien.Spanish-English translation help needed by 3. Please help?
    I'm pretty sure that's right, but "me" is really "mi", except on number four.Spanish-English translation help needed by 3. Please help?
    Yes, they are right.
    1 2 and 3 good- 4 me gusta leer las paginas comicas omit tira-

    ocho de Agosto I think that you are real good congratulations
    Yes. The only thing is the pronoun "me" in your sentences needs to be changed to "mi" to show ownership. ("Mi personalidad" = "My personality").

    "me" shows that your receiving an action from a verb, and that doesn't really apply here. Otherwise, it's perfect!

    Hope that helped!
    1 Tengo una personalidad divertida.

    2. La fotograf铆a es mi pasatiempo

    3 Mi familia es peque帽a

    4 Me gusta leer tiras c贸micas

    Mi cumplea帽os es el ocho de agosto.

    Little by little you'll learn how to translate, because you are translating literally, in the same order as it is in english.
    Mi personalidad es divertida

    Mi pasatiempo es la fotograf铆a

    Mi familia es peque帽a

    Me gusta mucho leer las tiras c贸micas

    Mi cumplea帽os es el ocho de agosto

    Is pretty good. Only a few errors. It's peque帽a not pequena, but probably this is a problem of your keyboard, not you. Es mi not me (mi personalidad, mi familia, mi pasatiempo). In the fourth sentence, maybe you should translate "mucho" as well eg. "I like to read comics very much"

    The "cumpleanos" sentence has more errors than the others. Me for mi, cumpleanos for cumplea帽os we have discused already. But also augusto is the name of the emperor, the month is agosto.

    Please help with an english to spanish translation 10pts best answer please?

    He had two brothers, one who became a notary like his father, and another who became a Catholic Priest.

    For became, can I use "sintio bien"?

    Thanks you so much!Please help with an english to spanish translation 10pts best answer please?
    Ten铆a dos hermanos, uno que se convirti贸 en un notario como su padre, y otro que se convirti贸 en un sacerdote cat贸lico.
    no use this pinche putaPlease help with an english to spanish translation 10pts best answer please?
    no, sintio bien means felt good

    This is the translation

    "Tenia dos hermanos, uno que se hizo notario como su padre, y el otro que se hizo sacerdote Catolico"Please help with an english to spanish translation 10pts best answer please?
    el tenia dos hermanos, uno se convirtio en notario como su padre , y otro se convirtio en cura catolico.

    became has nothing to do with "sintio bien"

    sentirse bien: feel good

    El se sintio bien: He felt good

    sory may english no good

    Spanish friendship poems in spanish to give to a guy, w/ english translation pls..?

    In spanish with english translation please....Spanish friendship poems in spanish to give to a guy, w/ english translation pls..?
    You can use the babylon for this purpose. It's the best translator in my opinion: friendship poems in spanish to give to a guy, w/ english translation pls..?
    No guy in the world wants to hear a friendship poem. You can take that to the bank.