Tuesday, January 24, 2012

English - Spanish translation?

If someone pays you a compliment, a stock English reply is:

'Thank you! You are very sweet (to say so)'

I'm looking for something similar in Spanish. The person paying the compliment is much younger than the person replying, so 'amable' is a bit formal. Think student telling teacher that they think they are a good teacher:

Student: 'I like your lessons. You are a good teacher'

Teacher: 'Thank you! You are very sweet (to say so)'English - Spanish translation?
Estudiante: "Me gustan mucho tus clases. Eres una gran maestra."

Profesora: "隆Gracias!, eres muy tierno."

If the student is a kid, or if the student is a friend of the teacher, "amable" would be very formal.

That's very sweet of you. = Es muy tierno de tu parte.

Would you like me to give you more sentences about compliments in Spanish?English - Spanish translation?
Well 'amable' is proper for that kind of sentences... we do say that a lot, but instead of 'amable' you can use tierno, lindo... but it'd sound better if you say 'amabl', trust me =)English - Spanish translation?
Student: Me gusta como usted los educas en la clase. Eres, Una grand maestra!(female teacher)or Maestro(Male teacher)!

Teacher: Mucha's gracias! que tierno.

(I think , i might of forgotten to use theapostrophess on some of the words.)

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