Monday, January 16, 2012

English-Spanish translation/corrections help?

I want to write some paragraphs about my family in spanish. I already have, but I'm not sure they're correct. Could someone please make corrections to these?

1. Hay 4 personas en mi familia, y uno perro. Mi familia tiene yo, Laura, mi madre, y mi padre. Laura y Yo mucho luchamos. Mi perro llamo es Vin. Mi familia esta muy cerca. Nosotros gusta ir a la playa, ir de bolos, y visita de mis abuelos.

It was supposed to say:

There are 4 people in my family, and one dog. My family contains me, Laura, My mom, and my dad. Laura and I fight a lot. My dog's name is Vin. My family is very close. We like to go to the beach, go bowling, and visit my grandparents.

2. Le Presento yo. Mi llamo Daniel. Tengo 15 anos. Mi cumpleanos es 27 de enero. Soy de Chicago, y yo vivo en Highland Park. Tengo ojos marrones y pelo marron. Yo soy corto y delgado. Yo soy intelligente y creativo. Juego a tenis y tocar el piano. Mi gusta acuarios. No mi gusta aranas.

It was supposed to say:

I present myself. My name is Daniel. I am 15 years old. My birthday is January 27. I'm from Chicago and I live in Highland Park. I have brown eyes and brown hair. I am short and thin. I am Intelligent and creative. I play tennis and play the piano. I like aquariums. I do not like spiders.

Please don't just use a translation site... And there are no accent marks for obvious reasons.

Thank you so much!English-Spanish translation/corrections help?
Here you go, for the most part very good, just a few changes. You dont need to use "Yo" as much as you do because its already understood that you are talking about yourself and you are using the "I" form of the verb (ex: yo is sufficient because it means I am). I would also suggest you name your father too, you name Laura, which, i cant understand if that's your sister or your mom's name. So I would say (example: Mi padre Bob, mi madre Susan, mi hermana Laura, etc...) understand? Ok, so here it is.

1. Hay cuatro personas y un perro en mi familia. Nosotros somos Laura, mi madre, mi padre y yo. Laura y yo peleamos mucho. Mi perro se llama Vin. Mi familia es muy cercana. A nosotros nos gusta ir a la playa, jugar a bowling, y visitar a mis abuelos.

2. Me presento yo. Me llamo Daniel. Tengo 15 a帽os. Mi cumplea帽os es el 27 de enero. Soy de Chicago, y vivo en Highland Park. Tengo ojos cafes y cabello casta帽o. Soy bajo y delgado. Soy intelligente y creativo. Juego a tenis y toco el piano. Mi gustan los acuarios. No me gustan las ara帽as.

okay ill correct your first....''y uno perro'' change to y UN perro......second sentence doesnt make conjugated luchamos wrong it should be in yo form....and Mi perro llamo es vin,.....did u use a online translator because this is all worng...MI PERRO, SE LLAMO have nosotros visitas, but in the same sentence you have visita? conjugated in 2 different forms this is all wrong and hard to understand.....this was most definitely written with the help of a online translatorEnglish-Spanish translation/corrections help?
Okay most of it it's correct only you need some help with rearranging some of the words.

1. En mi familia hay 4 personas y un perro. Mi familia esta formada por Laura y yo, mi madre y mi padre. Laura y yo nos peleamos mucho. Mi perro se llama Vin. Mi familia esta muy unida. Nos gusta ir a la playa, jugar al bowling y visitar a mis abuelos.

What you said was: There are 4 persons in my family, and one dog (when you have just one item of something you don't say 'uno' as in 'one', you only say 'un' as in 'a'). My family has I, Laura, my mother, and my father. Laura and I fight (when you use 'luchamos' it's understanded more as fighting with some sort of weapon whilst 'pelear' is more of a verbal conflict or you know a brother and sister thing). My dog name is Vin. My family is very close (as in literaly body to body close but if you say 'unida' it means well, what you intended it to mean). We (there are different tipes of pronouns in spanish and the one you used was not apropiate for the sentence), go bowling (yeah we say bowling too) and visit (you used the noun and 'visitar' is the verb) my grandparents.

2. Me gustaria presentarme. Me llamo Daniel. Tengo 15 a帽os. Mi cumplea帽os es el 27 de Enero. Soy de Chicago y vivo en Highland Park. Tengo ojos marrones y pelo marron. Soy bajito y delgado. Soy inteligente y creativo. Juego al tenis y toco el piano. Me gustan los acuarios. No me gustan las ara帽as.

'I present myself' does not sound good in spanish so you'd better say 'me gustaria presentarme' which means 'I would like to introduce myself'. When you use measurment for hight you say 'bajo' or better as I said 'bajito' which is basically the same.

Hope this helps.English-Spanish translation/corrections help?
On the first paragraph, there should be no comma before y uno perro. There is only a comma if it is a complete sentence or phrase. It should be Mi perro se llamo Vin. Or El Nombre de mi perro es Vin. it should be visitar, not visita.

On the second paragraph, it should be Mi Nombre es Daniel. es el 27 del enero. y un pelo marron. flaco would work better then delgado. y toco el piao, and it should be gustan acuarios and no me gustan aranas.
Hay 4 personas y un perro en mi familia. Mi familia es mi madre(her name), mi padre(his name),laura y yo, Laura y Yo nos peleamos mucho. Mi perro se llama vin. Mi familia es muy unida.Nos gusta ir a la playa, jugar boliche y visitar a mis abuelos.

2. mi nombre es Daniel. Tengo 15 anos. Mi cumpleanos es el 27 de enero.Naci en Chicago, y vivo en Highland Park. Tengo ojos y pelo marron.Mi complexion es delgada y estatura baja. Soy muy creativo e inteligente. Juego tenis y toco el piano. Me gustan los acuarios pero no me gustan las aranas.
1. Hay 4 personas en mi familia, y UN perro. Mi familia LA FORMAMOS mi madre, mi padre, Laura y yo. (be careful with the order you mention people: your parents are first, then Laura, and finally YOU) . Laura y yo PELEAMOS mucho. Mi perro SE LLAMA Vin. Mi familia ES MUY UNIDA. (A NOSOTROS) NOS gusta ir a la playa, ir A LOS BOLOS, y visitaR A mis abuelos.

2. ME Presento A MI MISMO (but it is better if you say VOY A PRESENTARME). ME llamo Daniel. Tengo 15 a帽os. Mi cumplea帽os es EL 27 de enero. Soy de Chicago, y vivo en Highland Park. Tengo ojos y pelo CASTA脩OS. Yo soy PEQUE脩O y delgado. Soy inteLigente y creativo. Juego tenis y tocO el piano. ME gustaN LOS acuarios. No ME gustaN LAS ara帽as.

Remember, in Spanish you don't have to mention always the personal pronoun (specially YO, that's considered impolite).

When talking about hair and eye colour, brown translates into "casta帽o". Because hair and eyes are the same colour, you can use just one adjective for both.

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