Monday, January 16, 2012

Help with an english-spanish translation.?

im trying to speak to an old friend of mine but he hasnt been over to england for years so his english is rusty to say the least. Im an unashamedly unconfident spanish speaker so i need a second opinion on anything before i say it. I need to know how to say,

"I'm saving up to take a year off in 2011 so i can come and visit you guys!"

something along those lines anyway....if what you suggest is different, please explain how. thanks :)Help with an english-spanish translation.?
Estoy ahorrando dinero para tomarme libre el a帽o 2011 y poder visitarlos.


native spanish speaker

estoy guardando dinero para descansar el ano 2011 para que pueda ir a visitarlosHelp with an english-spanish translation.?
estoy guardando dinero para descansar el ano 2011 para que pueda ir a visitar los!

ya wat she saidHelp with an english-spanish translation.?
How about something like:

"Estoy ahorrando dinero para tomarme un a帽o sab谩tico en el 2011; para poder ir a visitarlos."

Is very similar to what you want to say but I used another word for year off, I used sab谩tico which is commonly used for "year off".

Take into account the use of the letter 帽 in a帽o for year, ano means something else. And also from the previous two answers they said: "para que pueda ir a visitarlos" the more common and correct use is to say "para poder ir a visitarlos", the reason for this is that the word "pueda" is used for present and for second person you can use "pueda" if you use the word "yo" like "para que yo pueda" (so I can) is easy to use "poder" first person like saying "can" which sound more native.
Estoy ahorrando dinero para tomar un a帽o libre en 2011 para que pueda visitarlos.

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