Tuesday, January 24, 2012

English-Spanish translation... for my buddies in Spain :) .?

Ok I know, Feliz Navidad; Te echo de menos...

But I want to say something like, Merry Christmas, I miss you guys heaps... Wish you were here.

I thought something more informal sounding would be nice yknow?

Thank you :DEnglish-Spanish translation... for my buddies in Spain :) .?
I miss you guys = Os echo de menos chicos. (This is informal)

Wish You were here = Ojal谩 estuvi茅rais aqu铆.

Spend a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year = Pasad una Feliz Navidad y un pr贸spero a帽o nuevo.

Hope all your dreams come true this new year = Espero que todos vuestros sue帽os se os hagan realidad este a帽o nuevo.

The rest of the sentences are not informal or formal, they are normal sentences very used too.

Hope this found helpfully!
Feliz Navidad.

Os extra帽o much铆simo.

[a] Quisiera que [vosotros] estuvierais aqu铆.

[b] Ojal谩 que [vosotros] estuvierais aqu铆.English-Spanish translation... for my buddies in Spain :) .?
Go here. http://translate.google.com/translate_t#

I fluently speak spanish and german(parents are spanish) but check out the website link. It is really helpful.

tienen un impresionante navidad ;]English-Spanish translation... for my buddies in Spain :) .?
Feliz Navidad a todos, os echo de menos un mont贸n. Quisiera que estuvi茅rais aqu铆.
Feliz Navidad! los extra帽o muchisimo, Quisiera que estubieran aqui.
use the vosotros conjugation.. it means more like "y'all" instead of "you"

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